George Pennington
Shamrocks MC
1985 - 2000
1980s => YZ 250/490's - 1990s => Husaberg & Husqvarna Thumpers
250/Open/Fourstroke Expert
#7x 1989, #3t enduro 98-2000 #1 Bomber Class GP series '98
Palmer Lake, CO
Bicycling, fishing, raising a family
Currently riding and racing in Colorado. Ride VetA in RMEC enduro series and Int. in Trials. Most current rides: '01 Beta Rev3, '02 CRF450 for moto, '03 KTM300 for enduro and '04 KTM 525 for trail and exploring.
When I began desert racing, things weren't so hot. Entries were dropping off and even our club had very few members at meetings or at races. I remember races where only two of us would show up and we'd flip a coin to see who was gonna pit and who

was gonna race. When the time came for my first Hare and Hound work party, I remember wondering how the hell were we gonna pull this off with 10 or 20 people. I had no real responsibility other than to show up and work as necesary and I still couldn't sleep. Low and behold though, come race weekend, at least 100 people were there, a virtual who's who of the Shamrock's history, showing up for their one weekend's work a year. Many had not raced or ridden in years, but this was their weekend in the desert and the show must go on. I spent that evening around the campfire with the old timers, listening to stories of the old days, big british thumpers, long races in spectacular places no longer available to motorcycles and I realized that these were the MEN of our sport. Little fame or glory, just riding for the sake of it. Ever since then, a mere 80 miles on a 12 travel modern bike just didn't hold the same manly value (although I'm sure it's more fun). I also learned the meaning and the value of being in a club... for life.
I'm proud of the Shamrocks for how far they've come, currently enjoying a strong vibrant membership. One of these days I'll be back, working check #2 again!