00 » If your philosophy doesn't grow corn, I don't want to hear about it. ~Sun Bear

01 » You cannot talk your way out of problems you behaved your way into. ~Lori Peterman

02 » Men were born to hunt. If you don't have a target for your life, you are not a man. ~Jamaican Lore

03 » Truth is like a lizard, who leaves its tail in your fingers and runs away. ~Ivan Turgenev

04 » Wonder opens one to all sorts of ideas, but skepticism runs them through a rigorous filter. I don't want to believe. I want to know. ~Carl Sagan

05 » In their quest for truth, skeptics suspend both belief and disbelief. ~Billy Dean

06 » You think your pain and heartbreak are unprecedented, but then you read something and discover your connection with all the people who have ever been alive. ~James Baldwin

07 » Science discovers how the Cosmos works without explaining gaps in its understanding as supernatural phenomena. ~Henry Drummond

08 » Faith is believing in something you know is not true. ~Mark Twain

09 » My flight into the clouds of heaven ended with a descent back to earth as the sun of reality melted the wax on my wings. But it's great to be down here where the rubber meets the road. ~Billy Dean

10 » In a fire, the oxygen and fuel disappear as they are transformed into flame, so it's fruitless to go looking for them. Just enjoy being in the light. ~Billy Dean

11 » I like to think everything will be OK in the end. If it's not OK now, then it's not the end. ~Billy Dean

12 » The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms--there is life on other planets, and we will find it in 20 years. ~Andre Finkelstein

13 » It's morally as bad to not care if a thing is true if it makes you feel good as it is to not care how you make your money as long as you have it. ~Edmund Teale

14 » I don't want immortality through my work. I want it by not dying. ~Woody Allen

15 » True mercy is relentless, impartial justice--not favor, grace and divine intervention. The source of crime and immorality is the belief that one can escape the consequences of his or her actions. ~Madame Blavatsky

16 » Spirituality is about love and forgiveness, tolernace of others, how our lives fit into a greater scheme of things, why we are here and what happens when we die. ~Robert Fuller

17 » The man who views life the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life. ~Muhammed Ali

18 » It's easier to sprinkle yourself with a little blood and water than to purge yourself of malice, to secure salvation without disturbing one's habits. ~H.G. Wells

19 » After 45 years of trying to make religion fit my experience, then trying to make experience fit my religion, I adopted Ludwick Wittgenstein's motto: I prefer the world as I find it. ~Stephen Heersink

20 » Give up your map of hopes and fears, and travel that clear road between desires and expectations by dealing with the world as it really is. ~Buddha

21 » In Zen, spirituality isn't thinking about god while peeling potatoes. In Zen, spirituality is just peeling the potatoes. ~Alan Watts

22 » Every morning before entering the world of chaos and competing beliefs, check the batteries in your bullshit detector. ~Sam Keene

23 » Serendipitous discoveries are made by being in a specific frame of mind, being focused and alert because you're searching for something. ~Steven Strogatz

24 » In this universe, everything must cooperate for anything to happen. ~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

25 » The world is too much with us. Trees, for example, interest us more than what is rustling their leaves. ~Michael Klein

26 » Play fair. Don't hit people. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Paint, sing, dance, hold hands and watch for traffic. ~Robert Fulghum

27 » The time to be connected is now. It's always now, so it's always time. ~Don Hammond

28 » Morals are inescapably situational, for we do not live in a static world of immutable absolutes--some questions have more than one answer. ~John Hammerlinck

29 » Experience is the best teacher, because it gives you the test first and the lesson after. The things we learn for keeps are those we discover for ourselves. ~Alan Arps

30 » We only know what we interpret. We can't peek over the edge of our interpretations to see things in the raw. ~Thomas Sheehan

31 » Life isn't about things. It's about the quality of our relationships and the meaningfulness of our work. ~Amy Goodman

32 » Live fully, love well and let go. ~Jack Kornfield

33 » Saying Yes! to life is being present in the here and now to experience it. ~Ram Daas

34 » There are seven days in a week and SOMEDAY isn't one of them. ~Linda Foster

35 » Regret is living in the past, fear is living in the future, and peace is living in the present. ~Lao Tzu

36 » If you want to get to the fruit of the tree, you'll have to go out on a limb. ~Shirley MacLaine

37 » Wisdumb is thinking of something stupid but resisting the urge to say it. ~Burtrand Wade

38 » More than a few characters inhabit the theaters that are our minds. Discover your many selves. Be all those characters waiting to seize the stage and run wild. ~Sam Keene

39 » Passion is rooted in who you are and arises from an inherent ability to play the music that is you. If you passionately want to do something, you can. ~Billy Dean

40 » Loneliness doesn't come from having nobody around, but from not being able to communicate what is sacred to you. ~Carl Jung

41 » Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. ~Anthony Hopkins

42 » It is the journey that enlightens, not the destination. ~Kwai Chang Caine

43 » Be yourself. Everybody else is taken. ~Oscar Wilde

44 » You only live once but if you do it right once is enough. ~Mae West

45 » Don't indulge the last moments of your life with sour grapes about who you might have been. Celebrate all the people you have been. ~Billy Dean

46 » If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. ~Mark Twain

47 » Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated and drunkenness sobered, but stupid is forever. ~Erostophenes

48 » End your journey of life in content, as an apple falls when it is ripe, blessing nature who produced it and thanking the tree on which it grew. You drew in life-giving breath--give it back. ~Marcus Aurelius

49 » There is no completeness without sadness and longing, for without them there is no sobriety, no kindness. Wisdom without kindness and knowledge without sobriety are useless. ~Carlos Castaneda

50 » The only true wisdom lives far from mankind, out in the great loneliness and can be reached only through suffering. ~Igjurgarjuk

51 » Self importance is our greatest enemy, for it requires us to spend most of our lives feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow man. ~Carlos Castaneda

52 » Happiness is like moonshine--make your own and you'll never run out! ~Stephen Hollen

53 » You're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality has become better than your dreams. ~Dr. Seuss

54 » Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. ~Dr. Seuss

55 » It takes strength to live in civilization for community with its slings and arrows is man's true Darwinian test. ~Shawn Hubler

56 » If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. ~Jack Carter

57 » If you hang out with people who don't share your passion and your values, your real peers won't find you. ~I Ching

58 » You are the only person you'll spend your entire life with, so now is a good time to build a healthy relationship with the man in the mirror. ~Jack Michaelson

59 » It's never too late to be who you might have been. ~George Eliot

60 » One often finds his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. ~Kung Fu Panda

61 » Loving someone is as much about who you are as who they are. ~Billy Dean

62 » Opportunity knocks so often it has sore knuckles. ~Barry Kaufman

63 » You cannot discover new lands without losing sight of the shore for a very long time. ~Andre Gide

64 » A horse you don't want to ride will, sooner or later, put you on the ground. ~Confucius

65 » Decisions are easier when you give up your need for approval and your fear of failure. ~Chuck Norris

66 » There are two kinds of power: accepting or rejecting, which are passive, and initiating, which is active. ~Josh Cohen

67 » Diversity is the breathe of life. Don't abandon it for any single form that catches your fancy. ~Jay Bronowski

68 » Our universe would be a sorry affair if it did not contain something for every age to investigate. ~Seneca

69 » We could bear the poignant truth that birds sing beautifully for a time then become a pile of lifeless feathers if we could embrace the possibility that there are other worlds to sing in. ~Paul Villard

70 » It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~Confucius

71 » A realist is a an idealist who has gone through the fire and been purified. A cynic is an idealist who has gone through the fire and been burned. ~Warren Wiersbe

72 » Even the best cookbook is no substitute for even the worst meal. ~Aldous Huxley

73 » The past: the present rolled out for understanding. The present: the past rolled up for action. ~Will Durant

74 » When all is said and done, more is often said than done. Actions make things so, not words. ~Wilfred Elam

75 » Cars have big windshields and small rear view mirrors to remind us it’s more important to know where you're going than where you've been. ~Jean Chaput

76 » There' a time in the life of every problem when it's big enough to see but small enough to fix. ~Mark Leavitt

77 » Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone. ~Alan Watts

78 » It is not the strongest nor the smartest who survive but those who best manage change. ~Charles Darwin

79 » Insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results. ~ Sharon Dean

80 » A man should be proud of the place where he lives and live so his place is proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln

81 » Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams

82 » Show up, pay attention to what has heart and meaning, say what you know is true and accept the consequences. ~Angeles Arrien

83 » When disaster strikes, be prepared to deal with it as a survivor, not as a victim. ~Billy Dean

84 » Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it. ~Sharon Dean

85 » I cook with wine and sometimes I even add it to the food. ~Julia Child

86 » A house is where you hang your hat and eat your meals. Home is where your heart lives, that other place where home has always been. ~Billy Dean

87 » A crime worse than burning books is not reading them. ~Joseph Brodsky

88 » I'd go back to my 20-year old body if my 50-year old brain could come with me. ~Lauren Hutton

89 » Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. ~Simone Signoret

90 » We were born to be wireless: the last cord we were connected to was cut at birth. ~Frank Sanda

91 » How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Wayne Dyer

92 » If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, let's get wasted and have the time of our lives. ~Mae West

93 » Intellectuals say simple things in a complicated ways. Artists say complicated things in simple ways. ~Carol Adrienne

94 » I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was. ~Harley Pace

95 » Fate and free will are attitudes. You are free to choose one course over another. The winds will be favorable or not according to the set of your sail. ~Billy Dean

96 » Avoid people who will not laugh, for they have no health in them. Those who take things too seriously have no sense of proportion, balance or relative values. ~Christmas Humphreys

97 » The core of innovation is trial and error. Fail as long as it takes, and be strategic about what you learn. ~Bre Pettis

98 » We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. ~T. S. Eliot

99 » Life's disappointments are harder to take if you don't know any swear words. ~Bill Waterson

100 » Aging is a steep price to pay for maturity. ~Sylvia Penton

101 » When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ~Sylvia Penton

102 » It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. ~Jim Baldwin

103 » I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. ~Jack Nicholson

104 » Happiness isn't having the best of everything but making the best of everything you have. ~Nancy Bantau

105 » If you fail to plan you plan to fail. ~Jack Carter

106 » When the student is ready, a teacher will come. When the teacher is ready a student will come. ~Master Po

107 » If you are too big for little things, you will be too little for big things. ~Bobby Nelson

108 » When you don't feel like going to work, go to work and perhaps you'll feel like it. ~Paul Fecult

109 » Your friends are god's way of apologizing for your relatives. ~Diane Usleaman