
Cyclists... is a detailed, illustrated guide to help cyclists close the gap between their present and potential fitness by training smarter, not by struggling against the effects of aging. Topics include Standard Intervals, Fartlek (speed play) Intervals, Nutrition, Recovery, Goals, Zone Training, a Do-It-Yourself Maximum Heart Rate Test and a Calculator to do the math for you!


Have Guitar Will Travel » is a trilogy starring Rick and a team of former Marines who help people solve problems they can't fix by calling a lawyer, a private detective or the police. You'll identify with the courage and ingenuity of the characters as they put bad guys out of business and in prison. You’ll hold your breath when the story takes its darkest turns, then smile when they snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


Blind Date... Rick meets Linda on a blind date. Her Father, the owner of a restaurant she designed, is in debt to a loan shark. The plot thickens when the loan shark threatens to kidnap Linda to force her father into signing the deed over to him. Rick and his team step in to turn the tables on the loan shark. Just when the story takes its darkest turn...


Double Trouble... Beverly and her twin sister Shirley are in trouble with a drug lord who claims their father embezzled the money. The twins are double trouble for Rick and his team as they struggle to put the drug lord out of business. The drama triggers an attraction between Beverly and Rick and between Shirley and Mike, one of Rick's team members.


Vigilantes... is the third trilogy of Have Guitar Will Travel. The death of Rick's wife, Jessica, triggers his


Tips for Poets... will help you craft, critique and publish your poetry. You'll learn how to decide why you are writing a poem, who you are writing it for, and how to edit your poem for sight, sound, sense and spirit. The tips include ways to merge what a poem means with how it means and how to merge showing and telling, imagery and information, facts and feelings.


My Poetry... A poem is like a glass of wine—bad if you don't like it, and good if you do. But some poems are like listening to a child pounding the keys on a piano, and some are like working a crossword puzzle without the clues. A good poem is like finding something you’re seeking and the poet has found—a journey you were about to take but were uncertain of the way. The poems in this collection will show you the way.


Tips for Runners... is a detailed, illustrated guide to help you close the gap between their present and potential fitness by training smarter, not by struggling against the effects of aging. Topics include Form, Muscles, Feet, Shoes, and Training with intervals and in heart-rate zones. Included is a Do-It-Yourself Maximum Heart Rate Test and a Calculator to do the math.


Sonrise Sonset »... is the story of a boy becoming a man whose life is cut short by a drugged up, sociopathic killer. You'll hold your breath when the story takes its darkest turn then find tears in your eyes when the judge allows the father to face the man who murdered his son in a poignant, heart rending speech that stirs the heads and hearts of everyone in the court....


Story Fire » my short stories are filled with adventure, humor, romance, surprise, and suspense. Some are just an entertaining way to escape reality, but some a powerful way to change reality because I used fiction to tell the truth, and that will empower you to find something true about yourself. You will become the young hero, the couple in love, the boy who becomes a man.


Survivors... This primer for preppers will help you prepare for local emergencies, national crises and global disasters. It's brief, basic and bulleted so you can quickly and efficiently arm yourself for tomorrow's challenges with today's preparations. Darwin did not say it’s the strongest and smartest who survive. He said it’s those who best deal with change. Local emergencies will bring small changes but national or global disasters will bring big changes. Will you shrivel up and die without gas, groceries and gadgets? There's a time in the life of every problem when it's big enough to see but small enough to fix, and not being prepared is a problem you can solve now. Acquire the supplies, skills and mindset of a survivor, not a victim.


The Curse of Qwerty » is a young adult novelette about a girl named Emily who struggles to free a princess named Elisa from the curse of a witch named Qwerty. The curse has trapped Elisa in a typewriter with the Dvorak keyboard. To save Elisa, Emily must decode a riddle by translating the words from the Dvorak keyboard to a Qwerty keyboard. Just when the conflict takes its darkest turn...


Things that Matter... these essays will help you discover things that matter. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. Even if you have a destination in mind, some journeys can't begin from just anywhere. These essays are the here that gets you there—a beginning to put you on a path beyond surviving to thriving personally and professionally, and then to a wise, enlightened sense of self.


Writing Tips for Authors... is an illustrated, how-to guide with examples to help you prepare and publish fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The guide will help you discover the story, essay, memoir or poem you want to write, how to compose its beginning, middle and end, and how to edit it for publication. It includes a section on how to merge showing and telling and create and publish an e-book with e-book distributors.


Zap! A New Beginning for Survivors » is a post apocalyptic novel about a group of survivors facing a world they don't want with courage and resourcefulness to forge a world they do want. Jack, the leader of the group, is a former CIA sniper. He was heading home to begin his retirement when nuclear devices zapped the world back to the dark ages. Power grids around the world have been disabled. While governments struggle to identify the terrorists and rally allies, citizens struggle to find food and water and deal with gangs roaming the streets with an appetite for looting and violence. Jack’s twenty years as a sniper has honed his solitary, lone-wolf approach to life to a fine edge. But he finds himself drawn to these people, and Linda has captured his heart and mind. His efforts to help these people become survivors, not victims, changes him and them forever.